June 9, 2012

Don’t cry for me…

Well, well, well “The Fabulous Madonna” always ready to court controversy recently projected an enormous image of Marine Le Pen (with swastika on forehead) during a concert in Tel Aviv.

Then, she called on everyone to “rise above our egos and our titles and the names of our countries and names of our religion, if we can rise above all that, and treat everyone around us, every human being with dignity and respect, we will have peace.”

Sadly, she does not apply those principles to herself.  Brandishing guns onstage in a “concert for peace” makes as much sense as going to war for peace. Oy vey! Kabbalah fried your brain, Madge. Stick to boys and toys—politics isn’t your bag.

Now if Madonna would only make an effort to age gracefully she might actually advance the peace and acceptance she so champions. 

Art and politics have always been inextricably linked. But Madonna should not be compared to writers such as Alexander Pushkin, nor should we assume that she is qualified to take on the establishment.  
Exploiting your celebrity status in the service of some half-baked political idea is irresponsible.  “Stars” ought stay out of politics and let those think that actually can.

“The fabulous Madonna”  late on stage for her opening Tel Aviv concert last week because she was waiting to get Gummi Bears.


Ms. Capshaw said...

Thank you!!!

Ms. Edna's gaggle of fans said...

Thank you for speaking out.

Bill (SM) said...

NOW Madonna has managed to piss off the French ... all the way from Israel ... well done, ambassador of peace!

Why do countries always export the worst of their culture?

Madge London said...

So, who claims her. The US or England?

NOT PC too said...

Aging yank pop (and film) stars sticking their noses into politics again. If you want to be involved in politics, then run for office and if enough people vote for you, then you're views will be listened to. But if you can't be bothered to campaign and run, then just shut up

don't cry for me either said...

“It’s easy to say I want peace in the world, but it’s another thing to do it,” so said Madonna in the Ramat Gan stadium. Remember that “whatsyournameagain”. Guns at a concert for peace? Lame!!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that Lady Gaga (who is more talented, smarter and seemingly nicer than dear old Madge) will not end up this way. She seems to have more personal resources than cone bras and ex-boytoy boyfriends as back up dancers. Yet what is an old girl suppose to do? Soon there will be plenty of Baby Boomer Assisted Living lobbies to play. But I am not sure the T&A would still work.

BTW, great post.