September 19, 2012

That dreaded women's vote.

Yesterday I had the unfortunate obligation to host a gentleman's supper (thank you Felix).  After listening to the men's weighty descriptions of women as they knew them the question seemed no longer should women have votes but ought women not to be abolished altogether.

I have been so much impressed by this discussion, backed by so much scientific and personal experience, that I have come to the conclusion that women should be put a stop to.

I learned that in our youth we are unbalanced, that from time to time we suffer from unreasonableness and hypersensitiveness, and that our presence is distracting and irritating to men in their daily lives and pursuits. If we take up a profession, the indelicacy of our minds makes us undesirable partners for our male colleagues. Later on in life we are subject to grave and long-continued mental disorders, and, if not quite insane, many of us have to be shut up.

Now this being so, how much happier and better would the world not be if only it could be purged of women? It is here that we look to the great scientists. Is the case really hopeless?  We women no doubt have had our uses in the past, else how could this detestable tribe have been tolerated till now?  But is it quite certain that we will be indispensable in the future? Cannot science give men some assurance, or at least some ground of hope, that they are on the eve of the greatest discovery of all—i.e., how to maintain a race of males by purely scientific means?

And may we not look to the male species to crown their many achievements by delivering mankind from the parasitic, demented, and immoral species which has infested the world for so long?



asterix said...

Love the picture worth a whole paragraph.

frenchtoast said...

Not all of us!